CCNA: Wireless Passed, All Cisco Associate Level Certifications Achieved!

May 20, 2009

Passed the CCNA Wireless exam last friday. I really like learning about wireless, but i don’t think i will continue on with the wireless professional until i have enough money to build a good wireless lab. I now have obtained every cisco associate level certification that they have. next on the list is the CCIP BGP exam. I will be using the cisco press book, the NMC BGP videos, the Knet BGP videos and of course GNS3 for the labs. I am actually very excited about starting this exam because I like BGP a lot and deal with it a lot at work. Good luck to everybody else out there that is studying!

CCNA Wireless exam scheduled

May 12, 2009

I Scheduled the exam for this friday. I finished the cisco press book today. It is a good book and covers a lot of details, but I wish the CBT Nuggets were out for the CCNA Wireless. Unfortunately, they aren’t coming out until the 3rd quarter of 2009. All in all I liked learning about wireless and really would like to see where cisco goes with the CCNP: Wireless track that is set to debut in the 3rd quarter of 2009. Good luck to all those who are studying and I’ll let you know how the exam goes.

CCNA Wireless

April 22, 2009

Studying for CCNA WIreless right now. I am about 1/4th of the way through the cisco press book. The first couple chapters were pretty boring, but now the pace is starting to pick up a little. I am hoping to test before I go on vacation in June so I’ll keep you guys up to date on my studying. I gave myself a little break in there b/c I got burnt out after doing ccna: voice. But I am feeling good about studying again so its time to go at it again!

exam scheduled

March 31, 2009

well, i know it has been a while since i post here, mainly because i have been studying for the ccna:voice. I finished the ccna: voice exam guide last week and booked my test for today. so i’ll let you all know how i did hopefully later today.

CCNA Voice Progress

March 13, 2009

I just finished the CCNA:Voice CBT Nuggets and am about 1/4th of the way through the CCNA:Voice Exam Cert guide. After that I will probably start studying for the CCNA:Wireless exam. After that, well I don’t know. I would love to get into the CCVP and CCSP tracks, but I know that I am %50 done with the CCIP track. So I might finish up the CCIP track and then see what happens from there. I would also like to get a CCVP lab, but that is in the distant future instead of the present. After I read the CCNA:Voice book and review both the book and the CBT Nuggets then I am going to book the exam. I’ll keep you posted…

Is it possible?

March 3, 2009

I have decided to try and obtain every Cisco certification that they have. Why would someone want to do this you may ask? The answer is pretty simple for me. First, I have money, lots of it that I can use to spend on the test fees for the cisco exams. I have this money thanks to the GI Bill. The other kicker to this is that it doesn’t matter whether I pass or fail an exam, I will still get re-imbursed the money for the exam. So for me, it’s a win/win situation. My second means for motivation is my current position allows me the time to study. My third and probably most important reason is curiousity. I thought I would be finished getting certified after I got the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), however that was not the case. What I have realized is that the more I read and study, the more I find out how little I really know.  I love what I do, want to learn more and want to know how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. 

So, now that I have explained the purpose behind this, I would like to list what Cisco certifications I currently have:


So, as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. I plan to start from the Associate level and work my way up. My current work in progress is the CCNA: Voice. I have ordered the CCNA: Voice Exam cert guide and also have the CCNA: Voice CBT Nuggets. So, with that being said it’s time to hit the books!